Archive for October 2020

605. Sickness, Loads, Masks, and Interesting Times

Briefly talking about the youTube video “Masks May Do More Than We Think) by ZDoggMD and Dr. Monica Gandhi NOTE: SORRY ABOUT THE AUDIO ON THE TWO THIRDS OF THIS!!!

604. Costumes, Encounters, Gratefulness, and the Future

Reflecting on the week

603. Genesis, Darwin, Huxley, and Flesh

Reviewing the article “The Human Error Darwin Inspired” by Aaron Hirsh

602. Blame, Whining, Criticism, and Flesh

Reviewing the article “10 Things Incredibly Likable People Never, Ever Do (and Why You Love Them for it)” by Jeff Haden

601. Flights, Rides, Costumes, and Kindness

Recapping a week of vacation