Archive for February 2010

49. Airlines, Obesity, Flesh, and Consequence

Exploring the techniques that the flesh uses to delude us into believing that we understand the consequences of our decisions by examining a commentary by NRP’s Scott Simon on Kevin Smith’s encounter with Southwest Airlines.

48. Religion, Entertainment, Politics and Business

Exploring the basic problem common to every human organization; quickly reviewing the book “Fast Food Nation” and the television series “Undercover Boss”; suggesting that we make every effort to treat everyone around us as human beings.

47. Speeches, Toys, Libraries, and Quests

Practicing for a talk that I’ve been invited to give for students at my alma mater.

46. Epigenetics, Famine, Gluttony, and Grandchildren

Rehearsing the week’s events; reviewing an article in Time magazine on the field of epigenetics; reflecting on a predictable response from evolutionary biologists; highlighting the important consequences of protecting our own genomes.