Archive for April 2009

6. Walmart, Mountains, Butterflies and Perspectives

Asking Walmart; climbing up Sunshine Mountain; enjoying the butterfly; changing the perspective.  (Should be ten *months* arrgh!)


Believing in solutions; play-acting the 12-year old; naming the lake; thwarting frustration

4. Sound, Turnpikes, Leadership and Signs

Finalizing the sound; turning the turnpike; exploring religious leadership; reading the signs. (As yes, it should be raising her arm.)

3. Strangers, Fawcett, Eisland and Housekeepers

Appreciating the strange; revisiting Farrah Fawcett;  remembering Nancy Eisland; greeting the housekeeper

2. Games, Refunds, Intruders and Walmart

Developing the game; spending the tax refund; greeting the armed intruder; sitting outside Walmart