Archive for September 2009

27B. Cheesecake, Obession, Cheeze-Its and Overeating, Part 2

Restarting after a technical glitch during the last recording; investigating the term “Food Porn”; listing the methods and motivations of the pornography industry and its effects on its consumers; reviewing the assertions in The End of Overeating; listing the methods and motivations of the food industry and its effects on its consumers; a challenge to […]

27. Cheesecake, Obession, Cheeze-Its and Overeating

See episode 27B for description. Had a technical glitch on the recording of this one!

26. Goats, Fig Trees, Spoons and the Supernatural

Revisiting the supernatural because of The Men Who Stare at Goats; remembering the randomization of chapters in Still Whispers and the “coincidence” it caused; revisiting The Matrix and setting a goal at this milestone.

25. Energy, Failure, Actions and Discipleship

Confirming the energy necessary to generate interest in the glossy world; documenting my failure with a friend; remembering that actions always mean more than words and that each of us makes disciples every day whether we think we do or not.

24. Clothing, Kidnapping, Bears and Gardens

Ponderments on belief: trying to figure out what to wear every Sunday; rehearsing the events of the discover of a 29 year-old woman who had been kidnapped at 11; thinking about a man who has lived with wild bears for twenty years and wondering what the garden of my heart would truly look like.